The G C School of Careers

The G C School of Careers is a private English secondary school established in 1973 in Nicosia, Cyprus. It is a 7-form high-school, offering students the opportunity to undertake various academic subjects of their choice at IGCSE Level and A-Level, thus helping them to successfully enter high-ranked universities in the United Kingdom. Specific subjects, exams and language courses are also available for students who wish to enter universities in Cyprus, Greece, other European countries like Spain, France and Germany, but also in the United States.

The G C School of Careers also owns a Primary and an Elementary school, located at a different location near the secondary school, both established at 2011.

The G C School of Careers (secondary) consists of around 600 students and around 70 teachers. The school has an Administration Department (Secretarial Staff, Administration Officers (also dealing with EU Projects) and a Human Resource Officer), an Accounts Department, an Events - Communication and Public Relations Department and an ICT Support Department. The school’s Management consists of the school’s owner and General Manager, thePrincipal and the Vice-Principal.

The following subjects are taught at our school (all subjects are available at both IGCSE and A-Levels, when applicable): Accounting, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, French, Geography, German, General Science, History, ICT, Mathematics (Pure, Statistics, Further and Mechanics), Modern Greek, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology (and Sports Psychology), Religious Studies.

The school has 38 classrooms, 5 ICT Labs, 2 Physics Labs, 3 Science/ Chemistry Labs, 3 Art Rooms and a Library. There is also a small conference room, a large Auditorium for school events and a large cafeteria.

Outside, sports facilities include four outdoor futsal courts which can be converted into a football pitch, a tennis court and an indoor multi-purpose court for volleyball, handball, badminton and basketball, and others.

Since September 2015, the School also operates a Sports School (for students who are naturally talented in sports like Football, Basketball, Badminton, Tennis or Swimming).
Since September 2016, the School also operates a Maths School for students who are naturally talented in, and would like to pursue, more advance Science and Mathematics subjects.


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