
Showing posts from November, 2017

Super Scientist on the News

The super scientist project appears in the local news of Alcalá de Henares.

1st Transnational meeting

From Wednesday the 22nd until Friday, November 24th, the 1st International Meeting of the Super Scientist project took place in the Calasanz School. During this meeting, teachers were cooperating to define the details of the methodology, learning about the social networks in which the project have a profile, setting dates for future international meetings and sharing the different activities for which each partner is responsible. In addition. teachers visited the city of Madrid an Alcalá de Henares, where the walked through its streets, ate at restaurants and learnt a little more about its history. At the same time, on the 22nd we were recieved at the town hall of Alcalá by the Councilior for Education, Diana Díaz.

General Guide 1st Transnational Meeting


Starting Super Scientist!

We are all! The time has come to start working on the project together. We have three days ahead of meetings to organize our project. You can consult our program by clicking here.

General Guide od the 1st Transnational

Here, you can see the General Guide of the organization of the 1st Transnational Meeting.

1st Class Super Scientist (Spain)

We start working !! In this first session with students, we will carry out three experiments to begin to enter the world of practical science. The experiments can be consulted in the following document: EXPERIMENTS SESSION 1 In addition we will begin to enter into the world of communication technologies, we will access with our username and password to the twinspace of the project. All the information about the dates of the next classes and the addresses of our networks can be found in this document . Super Scientist Starts!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.