Mehmet-Hanife Yapici Anadolu Lisesi

The school consists of about 512 students and it is located in the city centre. Students are accepted according to an exam, so their amount of knowledge is considered to be equal with each other. The school has a big garden with camellias where students can spend their free time. There are also volleyball, basketball and football fields in the school, and we have had a lot of success in sports in our city and region. The school also has a controlled entrance for the safety of the students. Our classrooms are equipped with the latest technological devices like smart boards and broadband internet connection, which allow us to upload and download documents easily and show them to the whole class, and do lots more activities. The Ministry of Education provides most students with tablets which can be used during the lessons. Our school also has a computer lab, and a science centre where we can observe different experiments and learn about space.
80% of our students prolong their education at the universities every year and one or two years after graduation this rate goes up to 90-95%  There are 4 universities in our city and we have good relations with them and the municipalities also give us support. Especially Karatay municipality provides us with financial support. We aim in choosing the best universities for our students, so we have excursions to universities in Konya and in different cities. We also have a kind of internship program for the 10th and 11th grade students, where students observe practice from academic professions like doctors, dentist, chemist, engineer, psychologist, artchitect etc.
We can also cooperate with NGO’s  like Kon-er, Bozkırlılar vakfı and the football club of Konya.
We also have strong ties with the local media and humatarian organisations. And there are strong companies who would like give a hand to education like Torku, one of the biggest companies created by farmers.
We carry on different local projects here; one of them is "Toys are looking for their owner", a project which aims to help children with special needs who are receiving education in economically disadvantaged areas by receiving new or almost new toys. (


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