3rd Day in Spain

At 09:00 we have started the activities in the physics lab for the Practical Experience II. The specialized educators of the Canal Educa Foundation have visited us to conduct experimental sessions.
The activity began with an introduction in which contents related to the integral water cycle, its physicochemical properties and work in the laboratory are treated.
Then the students have been divided into working groups to carry out the experiments. Each group performed 3 or 4 different experiments.
The tests carried out have been: Universal solvent / surface tension, osmosis / reverse osmosis, suspended solids, nitrates / phosphates, free chlorine / total chlorine, conductivity.
To conclude, the importance of good practices in the use of water has been emphasized in order to avoid spilling substances in it that could hinder its treatment.


After that students went for a walk through Alcalá while the Coordinators Meeting
In the afternoon we continued with Practical Experience III. Experiential dynamic about water transport. It has been a great experience. each group of students has received a model of certain climatic conditions and has had to use the materials provided to capture and transport as much water as possible.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.