
Showing posts from September, 2017

Cycle d'orientation des Grandes-Communes

Cycle d'Orientation des Grandes-Communes COGC is a public secondary I school based in Geneva. Our students are from 13 to 15 years old. COGC is quite representative of Geneva. We have students from all over the world, all kind of social class, many migrants and some refugees. Here a video showing 700 students of the COGC doing a flashmob for the famine in Africa in 2017:

The G C School of Careers

The G C School of Careers is a private English secondary school established in 1973 in Nicosia, Cyprus. It is a 7-form high-school, offering students the opportunity to undertake various academic subjects of their choice at IGCSE Level and A-Level, thus helping them to successfully enter high-ranked universities in the United Kingdom. Specific subjects, exams and language courses are also available for students who wish to enter universities in Cyprus, Greece, other European countries like Spain, France and Germany, but also in the United States. The G C School of Careers also owns a Primary and an Elementary school, located at a different location near the secondary school, both established at 2011. The G C School of Careers (secondary) consists of around 600 students and around 70 teachers. The school has an Administration Department (Secretarial Staff, Administration Officers (also dealing with EU Projects) and a Human Resource Officer), an Accounts Department, an Ev...

Mehmet-Hanife Yapici Anadolu Lisesi

The school consists of about 512 students and it is located in the city centre. Students are accepted according to an exam, so their amount of knowledge is considered to be equal with each other. The school has a big garden with camellias where students can spend their free time. There are also volleyball, basketball and football fields in the school, and we have had a lot of success in sports in our city and region. The school also has a controlled entrance for the safety of the students. Our classrooms are equipped with the latest technological devices like smart boards and broadband internet connection, which allow us to upload and download documents easily and show them to the whole class, and do lots more activities. The Ministry of Education provides most students with tablets which can be used during the lessons. Our school also has a computer lab, and a science centre where we can observe different experiments and learn about space. 80% of our students prolong their education ...

Colegio Calasanz. FundaciĆ³n Escolapias Montal

The FundaciĆ³n Escolapias Montal Colegio Calasanz is located in a centric street of AlcalĆ” de Henares, a World Heritage City close to Madrid.  Our city is well known because it is the place where Cervantes, the writer of Don Quixote de la Mancha, was born, but also  because of its remarkable ancient University, which was founded in the XVth century. Our school consists of 1003 students and 74 teachers.  Our school belongs to a Catholic Congregation (FundaciĆ³n Escolapias Montal)  and it was founded 110 years ago by “Escolapias Congregation”. It  is very well appreciated in our city, especially by those who have studied with us. Regarding its funding, the Foundation is a charter school, which means that all the compulsory levels, apart from the Bachillerato level, are funded by the Education Office. This means that students do not pay tuition fees. Only Bachillerato students pay a fee.  In spite of being a Catholic-religious school, we do not disti...

Super Scientist Project

About the project "Super Scientist" is based on another Erasmus+ KA2, "Little Scientist". "Little Scientist" is based on the idea that students learn sciences better when the learning session is done in real-life settings. Super Scientist project goes a step further and supports the idea that scientific innovation could resolve humanitarian issues as well. AIMS The aim of this project is to place students in real research situations with well-qualified and international scientists. In the activities of this project, students must think in a team manner and use scientific methodologies in order to succeed, in real-life settings. Being educated in front of real life problems is a more effective teaching method, which enables the immersion of students in the world of science and research. Such settings also enable the development of basic and transversal skills. This improves teaching both the scientific subject and the language. WORK PROCESS ...
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.