Super Scientist Project

About the project

"Super Scientist" is based on another Erasmus+ KA2, "Little Scientist".
"Little Scientist" is based on the idea that students learn sciences better when the learning session is done in real-life settings. Super Scientist project goes a step further and supports the idea that scientific innovation could resolve humanitarian issues as well.


The aim of this project is to place students in real research situations with well-qualified and international scientists. In the activities of this project, students must think in a team manner and use scientific methodologies in order to succeed, in real-life settings. Being educated in front of real life problems is a more effective teaching method, which enables the immersion of students in the world of science and research. Such settings also enable the development of basic and transversal skills. This improves teaching both the scientific subject and the language.


There are four organizations involved in this project, from Spain, Cyprus, Turkey ans Switzerland. We are looking for learning arragements in which students can explore, invent or learn science as active, creative learners with hands-on material experiments, by using ICT and/or scientific software for simulations.


A main result of this project is that students will manage to see mathematics through a whole new perspective. Therefore, students who are weak in mathematics will be able to find new ways to solve problems. In addition, they will realize that mathematics is not an extremely difficult subject if seen logically and through a different point of view (ERF: Attitude: “Readiness to overcome the fear of numbers"). It will be understood that real-life problems can be modeled (ERF: Skills: "Ability to think and reason mathematically (mastering mathematical modes of thought; abstracting and generalizing where relevant to the question and modeling mathematically (i.e. analyzing and building models) by using and applying existing models to questions posed").


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.