
Showing posts from November, 2018


ACTIVITIES:  General Complete Document First Practical Experience Second Practical Experience Third Practical Experience Fourth Practical Experience Exhibition

The 2ndmeeting is over. We will meet again in February in Cyprus


5th Day In Spain

Today is the last day!! We have reached the last Practical Experience. It has been a debate among the students but it was the students themselves who reflected on what the question we should ask after a week working on it. In this video you can see a summary.  Then we had the Final Ceremony. Delivery of certificates.

Evaluating the Meeting

After a week of coexistence, today we finish this meeting we want to know how you have lived this experience. GENERAL SATISFACTION After a week working on aspects related to water, we want to know how your knowledge has increased. For this you have the opportunity to fill out the questionnaires that you did at the beginning of the week. FIRST SURVEY SECOND SURVEY

4th Day in Spain

Today we have visited Segovia. We had a guided tour to Aqueduct and Aqueduct and San Gabriel Desalter. We have reflected on how to transport the water of the Romans as well as the methods to have drinking water.

3rd Day in Spain

At 09:00 we have started the activities in the physics lab for the Practical Experience II. The specialized educators of the Canal Educa Foundation have visited us to conduct experimental sessions. The activity began with an introduction in which contents related to the integral water cycle, its physicochemical properties and work in the laboratory are treated. Then the students have been divided into working groups to carry out the experiments. Each group performed 3 or 4 different experiments. The tests carried out have been: Universal solvent / surface tension, osmosis / reverse osmosis, suspended solids, nitrates / phosphates, free chlorine / total chlorine, conductivity. To conclude, the importance of good practices in the use of water has been emphasized in order to avoid spilling substances in it that could hinder its treatment.         After that students went for a walk through Alcalá while the Coordinators Meeting In the afternoon...

Practical Experiences

Practical Experiences

2nd Day in Spain

Today we have started the day at 8:45 and we have left from the school to IMDEA (Institute of water research) We have been working in workshops held with 3 IMDEA research groups Water: Aquatic ecotoxicology group Membrane Technology Group and Soil and water quality group. We have learned to analyze whether the water is of good quality or not based on the organisms it contains as well as through advanced tests.         At 12:30 we have left for Madrid. We have eaten in Retiro, visited the Prado and taken a tour of Madrid.

1st Day in Spain

We are starting the meeting!! Today we met at 9 in the school. All the students have arrived expectantly. Each student has gone to his classmate's class, so they have been able to see what the classes are like in other countries. At 10:00 we have gathered in the auditorium for the Official welcome to our school. the directors have welcomed us and Diego has set the presentation playing the cello. We have also seen a video summary of what was the trip to Turkey.   After this we have visited the school and the Spanish students have explained each one of their parts to the classmates. At 12:00 they received us at the town hall. At 12:30 we have done some activities to get to know each other and form international groups. We have eaten together typical Spanish food provided by families At 3:00 p.m. we have started Practical Experience I. In it, an introduction to the topic we are going to work during the week "El Agua" has been made. In t...
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.