3rd Day In Konya

Today we had to get up very early because we have gone on a trip to a city about 3 hours away from Konya. We have gone to the Cappadocia that is a region where Christians took refuge from the Muslims, in underground caves and tunnels. We have visited two museums, the first one was outdoors and there were caves in a mountain. A guide has explained the history of the place.

Then we have got on the bus and we have gone to another museum, where we have seen and entered underground tunnels. The ceilings were very low, therefore some tall students had to bend down to avoid hitting their heads. Outside  the museum there was a small bazaar and all Spanish and Swiss students together with some Turkish students went to buy gifts for the families, we took the bus again and they took us to a big gem store where if you had enough money you could buy nice gifts; everything was very expensive but very nice.

Once again we took the bus and we went for lunch to a free buffet where everything was very good. then we stopped to see some of the amazing rock formations that they call “fairy chimneys” and to visit a city. And to finish the day we went to a pottery center where a Spanish partner volunteered to make a vase which the man in the store took 15 years to learn how to make it perfect.


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