
Showing posts from February, 2019

4th day in Nicosia

Today is a big celebration in Cyprus and in our school, we have traditional games and fun activities organized by the students so there is not work or lessons for today!

3rd Day In Nicosia

Continuing from the activity we did on Monday about recycling today we saw what happens if we don’t dispose off our waste products properly.   The AKTI project is about cleaning the coastal areas especially from plastics and we saw the impact on the environment our unsustainable habits can have.

2nd day In Nicosia

Today was all about hands on activities. We have visited the Cyprus Agro Industry Center and learnt about the concepts of sustainable and unsustainable production and consumption.   We also talked about the concept of ecological footprint and the importance of its reduction to ensure sustainable development. We saw how modern consumption patterns are related to the degradation of life systems and unsustainable development and saw how our consumption habits can contribute positively or negatively towards sustainable development. In the afternoon we went back to the school to talk about the cultural aspects of unsustainable food habits.   This will be relevant to what is happening next Thursday (Tsiknopemti) so stay tuned!

1st Day in Nicosia

Welcome to the Sunny Island.   It is day 1 and we are starting with some ice breaking activities to make sure we all know each other.   Cyprus students are taking Spanish and Swiss students around the school to show them the classes and the premises until the representative from Green Dot Cyprus arrives for our first activity about recycling.   In the afternoon we will visit the old town of Nicosia and have a little tour.

Alcalá is ready for the trip to Nicosia

We told to the local newspapers, we are going to go to Nicosia!!!! We are excited!!!

Preparing the 3rd Meeting in Nicosia

The  Swiss Team is  working on recycling in  Switzerland. They are preparing the 3rd Meeting in Nicosia

Local campaign for sustainability in Spain!!

Spanish team is working on the sustainability!! We are preparing the 3rdMeeting in Nicosia. We have worked about sustainability, and then we have organized an election to choose the best way!!

Preparing the 3rd meeting in Nicosia!

The SpanishTean is preparing the 3rd meeting in Nicosia!

Preparing 3rdMeeting

The  Swiss Team is  preparing  Cyprus Meeting  !! 
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.